Deprogram yourself & release at the full moon

Deprogram yourself & release at the full moon

Full moons occur each month and symbolize culmination periods where we honor the passage of time but also release past outdated cycles or patterns.

Whether you are new to introspection or it is common practice for you, it is important we go inward and listen to internal cues and check in with ourselves to see if the way we we've been interacting or conditioned to behave is healthy and still working for us.

Much like meditation or hypnosis, you can set aside time for yourself to practice a deprogramming ritual at the close of a moon cycle to clear out any residual negative thoughts, patterns, or traumas that you may be carrying that no longer serve you.

Allow yourself the time and space to sit and write out the top items that you are releasing and letting go of.  Make sure you're in a comfortable position and you will not be interrupted. 

While each month we are releasing different things, I have been recently working to clear out the following accumulated and observed behaviors from my past and upbringing that still occasionally resurface today. 

Use the simple phrase below as a guide for your own full moon release ritual and then simply write or state aloud what you are releasing. 

Today I'm releasing the following~ 

  • Energy vampires 
  • Victim mentality thinking
  • Unclear communication & triangulation 
  • Lack of self accountability 
  • Triggered responses out of anger 

All of the above points share a common energetic theme of deflection, lack of self awareness and blaming others for their actions. Ultimately they are all defense mechanisms and ways of allowing a person to stay set in their ways without admitting they have the capacity to change and grow. Absorbing or being around others who have a perpetual need to complain and drain energy while actively not trying to change their situations can be exhausting.

I am a huge proponent of introspective work so that I can consciously do my best efforts to not carry negative thought patterns with me into any and all of my interactions! It is perfectly normal though to at times. It is a part of life.

I've worked on my response levels and have been better about becoming detached. That doesn't mean the negative patterns occur less, it simply allows my acceptance of the behaviors to lessen the "hurt" and not take each interaction personally and further perpetuate toxic exchanges. It also serves to not absorb and take on energy that is not actually my own.

If you are working on releasing negative response loops of any kind or still struggle communicating with a family member, friend or loved one - know that you are not alone and you are not responsible for another person's words or actions. Make sure you give yourself proper time and energy to move through and release the energy. 

It's never too late to improve communication, your relationships and adopting the wisdom that comes with knowing we can't change another, only ourselves. It's easy to feel triggered when we find ourselves in the same familiar patterns but we don't have to continue to participate in it.

May you release all of the negativity in your life and increase your happiness and love of self in the process. Let it go so you can continue to send and receive love to those that treat you how you want to be treated.

Happy full moon releasing!


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